local service is soooo routine

I was out of work today but a faithful co-worker sent me a text message stating that Our Hero is now referring to our local bus service as a 'routine bus'.

Oh, the agony.

drunk with words

Our Hero described someone who had a stroke and is nonverbal as someone 'who is that inebriated to be unable to speak'.

it's friendly mail

Supervisor (to Our Hero): You can open any mail addressed to me unless it says 'private' on it.

Our Hero: I got you. It's personable. I got you.

guest speaker

So a co-worker who is not our hero said this to Our Hero:

co-worker: I'm doing that tomorrow like it was yesterday.

me: Ummm...what now?

co-worker: Like it was yesterday means really quickly. You know urgently.

me: Yeah, I know what it means. But the way you said it, it means you're gonna do it today. Tomorrow's yesterday is today. So why not just do it today?

co-worker: Cause I just don't have time today. So I'll do it tomorrow like it was yesterday.